Letter to Parents/Carers 24.3.20

24th March 2020

To All Parents/Carers

It is with regret that due to the threat posed to us all by the Corona Virus we have taken the decision to close Melton Mencap until such time as it is safe to reopen. This is the hardest decision we have ever faced, but we feel it is the right thing to do. Our responsibility is to our clients and to our staff, and any step we can take to protect their safety must be taken, and we must do everything we can to prevent cross infection. We are now in uncharted territory the like of which we have never experienced before, and it is vital that we look after ourselves, and by doing so we will be looking after each other.
I know that closure will bring many challenges to us all, and we will do all we can to support you through these challenges. We will still be available to talk on the phone and will text or email you with updates as we go through the next weeks. I have spoken to Leicestershire County Council to inform them of our decision, and they have asked me to pass on a message of support to you, and to let you know that they are there to offer support as well. This support is best accessed via your allocated Social Worker or by the duty team at Melton Mowbray. The telephone numbers for the Melton Mowbray Team are:
01163 050301 or 01163 05032. The number of out of hours emergency support is 01162 551606.
Other areas contact numbers can be found at
I will update you as we progress through this crisis and hope that you remain safe and well.

Best wishes

Simon Bailey

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