Friday Gateway
Friday Gateway Club is for younger adults with disabilities to meet up on a Friday evening, usually in the local community for a pub meal or drink, band nights, theatre trips, 10 Pin Bowling, Skittles or any Music Event. Members are involved with the planning of the programme, we love music and socialising together to have fun going out and about in the community.
The Club gives members the opportunity to develop social and independence skills. Staff ensure the safety of club members on their night out in the community.
We do meet at Mencap Centre from time to time for Archery, Fencing, Discos, Film Nights or Cooking.
New members are very welcome, to join us please contact Lorraine on 07867727467 for more details of times and venues.

Nathan is being presented with a certificate as he was the Winner of our Race Night at Mencap Centre.
Jane is one of our support staff who donated the Race Night Game to Mencap