Client’s News

  Here is some government advice on Living with Covid Click here

     One of our members, Thomas Corden, was a finalist (in the Young Artist of the Year category) in the Lord       Lieutenants Awards. See the article in the Melton Times of 19th November.

   Thomas has his own YouTube channel. Click here to see more of his remarkable talents.

  If you enjoy the videos, could you please leave a kind comment, and click ‘Like’. If you also click on ‘Subscribe’ and          click on the bell  next to the word ‘Subscribe’ and choose ‘All’ (it is free!) – it means you will receive notifications for       all future videos he puts on YouTube.

Singing Cafe

You are invited to join The Singing Café online via Zoom on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1.30pm for approximately an hour. This is for anyone who just enjoys a good singalong but is particularly good for our minds and bodies. Give it a go, you’d be most welcome! Sign in details are: meeting ID 893 849 0169 password 538003. If you require any more details, give Catherine a call on 07875378628. See you there!

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